• RegenerOss Allograft* can alleviate the need for a second operative site when faced with inadequate autogenous bone size, shape or volume, thus preventing increased post-operative pain and donor site morbidity.
  • In addition, studies have shown that allograft bone can produce osseogenesis by activating mesenchymal cells to form bone.1

* RegenerOss Allograft Particulate products are distributed by ZimVie Dental and processed by Community Tissue Services. Prior to August, 2016, distinct lots of RegenerOss Allograft Particulate products were processed by University of Miami Tissue Bank (UMTB). Orders may be fulfilled with product originating from either or both tissue establishment until depletion of UMTB stock.

Dental Applications

RegenerOss Allograft can be utilized in a variety of dental applications, either by itself or as a graft extender.

The following are common sites for allograft tissue use:

  • Extraction socket preservation
  • Ridge augmentation and reconstruction
  • Peri-implant defects
  • Sinus floor elevation
Regeneross Allograft Particulate container being opened


Bone Grafting is a common procedure used to prepare a site for dental implant placement in an area where teeth have been loss.

Additional Information

To request a paper copy of the Instructions for Use, contact ZimVie Dental Customer Service


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